Rabu, 27 November 2013

Protect My Hijab

I'm a girl with hijab. I'll protect my aurat as possible as I can. But do you know, when I protect my hijab I won't talk to men if it didn't really necessary. I won't sit near the men. I won't even pick up their phone or reply their text if its not important.

I won't act like the other girl who always communicate with the guy who isn't her mahram. I won't make a sin for doing a thing like you girls do. Time is different now. But the atitude is never ever change. Protect my hijab can make me feel safe. And for of you guys, please help us as a women to protect our hijab. Do not even try to talk or sit near every women if she's not your mahram.


Girl with Hijab

Selasa, 05 November 2013

Barakallah Teteh ku :*

Tulisan ini ku buat sambil mengingatmu teteh Iffah. Terakhir kita ketemu di kamar teteh cuma bilang bulan ini mau berhenti kerja di apotik, mau pergi katanya. Postingan di blog teteh katanya udah mau pergi. Tapi ke mana teh?

Beberapa hari setelah itu teteh mulai ga bisa di hubungi. Sms ga di balas, ga pernah online. I have no idea what are you doing!

Akhirnya, setelah ketemu umminya teteh baru tau kalo teteh ikut daurah 40 hari menghafal Al-Qur'an! Subhanallah.. Merinding denger cerita ummi teteh 9 hari udah hafal 5 juz abis itu teteh nangis minta maaf ke ummi. Rasanya kepengen juga teh jadi hafidzah. Doakan ya teh nyusul kyak teteh juga.. Aamiin

Semoga cita-citanya teteh tercapai. Bisa masuk syurga dengan memberikan mahkota emas kepada orang tua di akhirat kelak. Derajatnya di tinggikan. Hafalannya tidak pernah dilupakan.. Aamiin :*